Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
By registering for AAP-sponsored events, all attendees agree to abide by the AAP Code of Conduct as described below. AAP’s expectation is that each attendee recognizes that they are adults that represent their county or company when attending AAP-sponsored events and will conduct themselves accordingly. All attendees are expected to abide by the AAP Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, including those that are not yet licensed as Certified Pennsylvania Evaluators (CPEs). A copy of these policies will be provided upon request.
Applicability: This Code of Conduct shall apply during all classes, educational offerings, seminars, conferences and events sponsored by AAP which are monitored by AAP.
This Code of Conduct shall be observed by all attendees during AAP-sponsored events both on the AAP premises and at offsite locations such as hotels, conference centers, office buildings and other locations where AAP may hold classes. It does not apply to social events that are not sponsored or monitored by AAP.