Conference information will be available March 2025
Monitoring Procedures (PDF) and Code of Conduct (PDF)
At the link above is an explanation of AAP’s monitoring and disciplinary procedures and the AAP Code of Conduct. Please read them over before signing up for classes. By registering for classes, you, as an individual, are agreeing to abide by both the monitoring and disciplinary procedures and the Code of Conduct.
Conference Safety Guidelines
Th AAP considers the safety of all those onsite at the AAP Annual Conference as our top priority. With that in mind, we are committed to hosting a safe event for all participants, and in partnership with the Kalahari Resorts & Conventions we will be following best practices designed to mitigate exposure or spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses. However, by choosing to attend the AAP Annual Conference in-person, attendees are acknowledging that they fully and knowingly understand and accept the risk of exposure to COVID-19 or other illnesses. If you are experiencing any symptoms or other circumstances under current public health guidance, we ask that you respect your colleagues by refraining from attending to avoid the spread of illness.